How would you (honestly) rate the strength of your brand?


It’s NEVER any fun to self-critique. We hate seeing warts on our business, hate feeling that we’ve somehow messed up or got it wrong, All too often, businesses miss critical steps in maintaining their brand ecosystem. And if you want your business to experience growth, it’s a necessary step toward building the business that your customers will LOVE and make you profitable.

That said, here are four indicators that your brand might need some work.

You’re not clear on who you serve

When you try and serve everyone, you serve no one. Trying to be everything to everyone is not only ill-advised but deters your brand clarity.

Your business gets mixed with another quite often 

Oops, awkward! If your business lacks distinction from competitors, it may be time to reevaluate your value proposition and brand promise. What makes you unique or different from your competitors?

Your online reviews aren’t good (or non-existent) 

Nothing is a better indicator of happy customers than a bunch of 5-star reviews on Google or Facebook. If your reviews are stinking up the browser (4-star or below) OR not turning up anything at all, then some aspect of your business needs to be evaluated.

Your sales are declining

If sales are in a slump, it’s time to first, not panic. Chances are you need to do a deep dive and see what’s going wrong. Talk to a few of your past customers and ask for their honest feedback on their experience with your business.

How your brand stacks up? Leave your answer in the comments!