5 Reasons Why Facebook Ads Don’t Work for Small Businesses
Facebook and Instagram Ads are the perfect way to start growing your audience and reaching new customers! But the ad platform can be difficult to navigate (and you can waste ad dollars) if you don't know what you're doing. Here are five unknown reasons why Facebook Ads don’t work for small businesses.
#5. You don’t have the Facebook Pixel installed
The Facebook pixel is a super powerful analytics tool that every Facebook advertiser should have activated. It allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website. You can use the pixel to do things like making sure your ads are shown to the right people, drive more sales, and measure the results of your ads.
#4. You’re just “boosting” a post
I cringe every time I hear business owners tell me they’ve “boosted posts” in the past and here’s why. Facebook gives advertisers this amazingly robust platform (via Ads Manager) that can laser-target audiences and help develop highly converting creative. Why would you only want to use just a fraction of that power by boosting ONE post that Facebook told you is doing well? IMO, it’s Facebook’s sad attempt to grab low-hanging dollars from inexperienced advertisers. Go all-in on Ads Manager for the best results.
#3. You don’t have Business Manager set up properly
Every business needs to have their own Facebook Business Manager set up. This makes it super simple to keep all of your Facebook business assets in one place and shareable with other users (while maintaining 100% ownership!).
#2. You’re not using Custom and Lookalike Audiences
Got an email list? You can use custom and lookalike audiences to take the guesswork out of your audience targeting and reach users who are also on your email list AND find other users who mirror their interests and behaviors.
#1. You’re not setting a goal
You should never throw money into a campaign without setting an objective, an end-result goal, a budget, and a timeframe. Also, there should only be ONE goal of each campaign. Are you wanting users to watch your video, read your blog post, or purchase an item? Great! Just be sure to pick ONE objective per campaign.
If you’re new to Facebook advertising, then you’ll want to check out my new Facebook Ad Foundations coaching sessions which are now available. These 2-3 hour custom sessions will show you how to get your first ad campaign up and off the ground. Let’s get started!