5 Reasons Why the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is Brilliant
Over the past two weeks, I’ve witnessed everyone from Peyton Manning and Gwen Stefani to many of my pals in Indiana dump buckets of ice water on their heads like completely crazy people. Why? All in the name of ALS, or more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. The brilliant philanthropic phenomenon that is the Ice Bucket Challenge has exploded all over the social space because of these five reasons:

5. Creates friendly competition. Who doesn’t enjoy calling out your closest friends to do something crazy and have them post it online (especially if Karma’s out to get them)? The challenges between celebrities, pro athletes and big wig CEO’s are also made for online entertainment heaven!
4. Keeps it simple. All you need is ice water, a bucket and a smartphone. Easy.
3. Makes awesome social content - This can be added to the list of goofy, random and funny things you can find online only this time it involves either your favorite celebrity or best friend. It’s even better when the challenges get creative like those of Bill Gates, Matt Overton (of the Indianapolis Colts) or the New York Jets!
2. Anyone can do it. I can dump a bucket of ice water on my head just as well as Jimmy Fallon can and it’s just as funny. Anyone can participate whether you’re Mr./Ms. Celebrity or Joe Shmoe.
1. Brings awareness (and financial success) to a great cause. Anytime you can do something simple and fun all for an awesome organization, such as the ALS Association, it’s bound to be a win-win. And even better, this social grassroots initiative has experienced smashing financial results. According to alsa.org, the organization has received $13.3 in donations, (compared to only $1.7 million during the same time period last year) and has gained almost 260,000 new donors, all as of Sunday, August 17. Amazing.
Have you completed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? If so, who did you challenge?